It is Earth Month! And what better way to celebrate than getting free seed packets at the Los Angeles Public Library.…
March 16, 2022: Vlada’s Seeds of Life hosted an American Dine-In event with Lazy Lab Hunting Club in support of…
Gaston County’s Channel 21 airs Vlada’s Seeds of Life “Cooking and Kids” show in North Carolina, and took the time…
Vlada appeared on interview for KFROG 95.1 on March 9, 2022, to highlight Vlada’s Seeds of Life’s program which will…
Our very own, Vlada Vladic, wins the National Best Recipe by Mulay’s Sausage Company with “Vlada’s Sausage Vegetable Soup.” About…
VSL is giving away $440,000 worth of fruit and vegetable seeds through local libraries. We are in need of volunteers…