For more than 100 years, UC Cooperative Extension advisors and specialists have worked with communities across the state to address economic, agricultural, natural resource, youth development, and nutrition issues. Vlada’s Seeds of Life (VSL) is excited to support these efforts by providing over 500 fruit and vegetable packages to the UCCE Master Gardener Program of San Diego County.

The UC Master Gardener Program teaches people how to grow food and garden sustainably to protect California’s natural resources. By customizing local gardening outreach to account for unique local landscapes and the diversity of California’s residents, they strive to meet the needs of all the communities they serve. “Master Gardeners are volunteers who are trained and certified by the University of California, Cooperative Extension (UCCE). The classes taught by agricultural experts provide a basic introduction to horticulture and pest management. Topics include botany, soils and fertilizers, irrigation, entomology, plant pathology, weed management, vertebrate pests and the culture of vegetables, fruit trees and woody ornamentals. Students who successfully complete the training course and pass a final exam are certified as UCCE Master Gardeners.” (https://www.mastergardenersd.org/)

VSL’s “Little Sprouts” program offers a variety of high quality fruit and vegetable seeds to Southern California communities for free. The goal of the program is to encourage families to spend more quality time outdoors, away from devices, growing their own food and cooking using fresh homegrown ingredients.