Vlada’s Seeds of Life, a non-profit, Golden Valley Seed, and Robert H. Roberts Temecula Public Library have teamed up to offer the public free vegetable, herbs and fruit seeds in the month of April. You can get your hands on free seeds, while supply lasts by visiting the Temecula Public Library at 30600 Pauba Road, Temecula
Vlada is passionate about individuals and business coming together for the benefit of others and she is doing just that by bringing these organizations together to make a difference in the community. On her first visit to drop off seeds that were donated by Golden Valley Seed, she found many eager young kids excited about the seeds and very eager to take them home to plant their own vegetable gardens. This project is not just about seeds and gardening, it’s about the community coming together to make a difference. It’s about encouraging strong families ties by providing an activity that the families can do together and its about reaping the the rewards that come from working together and most importantly, it’s about families coming to the dining table to share a meal together.