“Little Sprouts” was started in 2019. It is a collaboration between Vlada’s Seeds of Life,Golden Valley Seed and Temecula Ronald H. Roberts Public Library. Together we donate, package and distribute fruit and vegetable seeds to the community.
In the wake of the pandemic, our non-profit has been able to proudly pivot. Despite the closing of the library and social distancing, we have found a new way to share the packets of these precious seeds. Always keeping our mission in mind through gardening, harvesting and finally preparing meals together with our bounty.
Thank you to our newest volunteer Ekaterina Mitchell who discovered The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). This program is sponsored by USDA Foods and Temecula’s Community Services Department. Our board member and Rotarian Jami Fencel already distributed over 240 packets to the local families.
Please contact us if you’re interested in these seeds. We have plenty left and will also be giving out at a drive thru venue located at Margarita Community Park. We’ll be there two days a week until August 9th.
Additionally, we will hand out packets to our senior citizens on a few Fridays as part of The Mary Phillips Senior Center Drive Thru Meals program. This senior center has a wonderful garden already in place by the way. We hear that they can’t wait to get a hold of the
seedlings and add to their beautiful and bountiful garden.